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Client Reviews

Palm Beach Reiki I Intuitive Reiki Healing Client Review

Sam Redha has worked on me at least a dozen times, each time was unique and different. He has a very special gift for healing, much different than regular reiki healing. He is highly intuitive and sees exactly where energetic imbalances and chakras are out of alignment. He rebalanced my energetic body and often my heart released a lot of tears from repressed sorrows.

For two years, I had intense gallbladder attacks from passing gallstones, it was insanely painful, I refused to go to the hospital and have my gallbladder removed.  Three times I called Sam Redha during an insanely painful gallbladder attack, I was close to fainting from the pain, and he sent me healing energy from a distance and the pain subsided enough so that I could go back to sleep and allow my body to heal itself. 


To me, this is a phenomenal gift, I've never met anyone with that great of a gift in removing pain. Sam also showed me many times that he knows exactly what is going on with me, he sees the suffering of people's hearts.  He is a very sensitive man with great compassion and dedication for helping others.    

– Christine

I not-so affectionately referred to 2013 as the “worst year of my life”…until I met Sam Redha at the Omphoy in Palm Beach Florida. The relationship that I had been involved in for over a year and a half came to a disastrous end at the end of December, and while it needed to, I was left with an immeasurable amount of emotional damage and pain.


In an effort to heal, I tried everything I could from therapy, anti-depressants, yoga, happy hours with girl friends – name it, I tried it. But, even after 10 months, I was unable to let go of all the pain and resentment which prevented me, like a road block  from moving on with my life. During this period, I was unable to focus on work, unable to develop healthy relationships and experienced the deepest sense of depression that I could have ever imagined. 


As if battling with the ghosts of my emotional past wasn’t

enough, I was also experiencing a professional crisis. After a

decade of investing time, money and energy into pursuing

my chosen profession, I woke up one day and realized that

the very thing I was working towards, which I believed would

bring me happiness, was in fact bringing me nothing but

unhappiness and tremendous stress. So, after a particularly

stressful week both personally and professionally, I made an

appointment at the Spa for a massage and Reiki hearing to

de-stress. That’s when I met Sam Redha. 


Instantly, he was able to see inside my heart…into all the deep/dark corners that were hurt and causing me pain. He saw all the unhappiness and heaviness that I was carrying around that weighed me down. He saw the level of anxiety that I was living with which was causing such disruption in my life. After an hour, with the touch of his hand, he was able to heal me in a way that I never thought possible. He took the poison out of my heart and made room for love to be welcomed in. He removed all the layer of stress and anxiety which accumulated after so many years that was holding me back. In short, I left the appointment that day totally transformed. I owe a debt of gratitude to Sam for saving my life. I am blessed to have met him and am honored to call him my friend.  Martha

Palm Beach Reiki I Intuitive Reiki Healing Client Review

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